Nicki McClusky, M.A., LCSW, will present on transformational presence tools and skills clinical social workers don’t want to be without.
This workshop is designed to empower clinicians to deepen their competencies with their clients. Certain tools from the world of coaching are brilliant to use with therapy clients, improving, presence, listening, deepening awareness, inner conversation, resolving inner conflict, taking action, improving communication, and trust.
Transformational Presence is an innovative approach to working with individuals in that it's focus is on energy and transformation, watching for the potential that wants to emerge. Since everything is energy in motion, we work with the tools and the client's energy so s/he can resolve conflicts, get unstuck, and confidently move forward in uplifting and dynamic ways.
After describing the essence of TPLC in the workshop, I'll introduce four TPLC tools; participants will pair off in twos/threes to practice each tool after it’s presented.
2 Continuing Education Hours
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